

All Projects

I have had the opportunity to work on some truly innovative projects that have allowed me to push the boundaries of technology. These projects have involved complex integrations, scalable architectures, and creating intuitive user experiences.

Following are a few projects I’m particularly proud of:


Final Year Project


OptaHire is an AI-driven recruitment platform that simplifies the hiring process by connecting recruiters with verified interviewers and pre-screened candidates. It offers features like AI-based resume filtering, seamless interview scheduling, and video interview analysis.

Tasks / Achievements

I implemented AI-based resume filtering, JWT authentication, and deployed the application on Vercel and Heroku. This project enhanced my skills in AI integration and deployment strategies.

Pizza Palette

Internship Project

Pizza Palette

Pizza Palette is a web application that allows users to customize and order pizzas online. It includes features like user authentication, custom pizza creation, payment integration, real-time order processing, and admin control.

Tasks / Achievements

I developed features like user authentication, custom pizza creation, payment integration with Razorpay, and email notifications using Nodemailer. This project helped me understand payment gateways and email services.

React.jsExpressRazorpay APIMongoDBNodemailer

Client Project


Kariger.com is a service booking platform that allows users to make appointments with nearby Karigers for solving daily life problems. It includes features like user authentication, appointment scheduling, and real-time updates.

Tasks / Achievements

I focused on user authentication, appointment scheduling, and real-time updates while creating a service booking platform. This project enhanced my skills in real-time data handling and user management.

ProShop Ecommerce

Featured Project

ProShop Ecommerce

ProShop Ecommerce is a full-featured eCommerce web application. It includes user authentication, an admin panel for managing products and orders, and payment integration via PayPal.

Tasks / Achievements

I developed an eCommerce platform focusing on user authentication, admin panel functionalities, and payment integration with PayPal. This project improved my understanding of eCommerce systems and payment processing.

React.jsExpress.jsMongoDBPayPal API

Personal Practice


CardGenius is a web application that allows users to generate ID cards based on their personal details. It includes features for image uploading and management.

Tasks / Achievements

I focused on image uploading and management with Multer and Cloudinary, and state management with Redux while building an ID card generator. This project enhanced my skills in file handling and state management.

Quran Player

Fellowship Project

Quran Player

Quran Player is a React application that allows users to list and play Quranic recitations by various reciters. It is built with Redux Toolkit, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, and online API links using Redux Async Thunk.

Tasks / Achievements

I focused on asynchronous actions with Redux Thunk and UI design with Tailwind CSS while creating a Quran player application. This project enhanced my skills in asynchronous programming and UI design.

React.jsRedux ToolkitTypeScriptTailwind CSSRedux Thunk

Google Solution Challenge 2023


MindMate is a web application that allows users to make appointments with mental health specialists, chat with a bot for basic FAQs, and read articles related to mental health issues. This project was also a part of Google Solution Challenge 2023.

Tasks / Achievements

I developed a mental health support platform focusing on chatbot integration with Dialogflow and state management with Redux. This project improved my skills in chatbot development and state management.

React Careers

Fellowship Project

React Careers

React Careers is a simple careers app that allows users to view, add, edit, and delete job listings. It uses Firebase Realtime Database to store job listings.

Tasks / Achievements

I focused on job listing management, user authentication, and data storage with Firebase Realtime Database while building a careers application. This project enhanced my skills in data management and user authentication.

React.jsFirebaseTailwind CSSReact Router
Metaversus UI/UX

Personal Practice

Metaversus UI/UX

Metaversus UI/UX is an animated website for a Metaverse Agency. It focuses on creating immersive animations and UI/UX designs for a modern web application.

Tasks / Achievements

I developed an animated website focusing on immersive animations and modern UI/UX design principles using Next.js and Framer Motion. This project improved my skills in animation and UI/UX design.

Next.jsFramer MotionTailwind CSSReact.jsCSS Modules

Personal Practice


Meetups App is a Next.js application with Static Site Generation (SSG) that fetches data from Cloud MongoDB. It is designed for creating and managing meetups for users.

Tasks / Achievements

I focused on Static Site Generation (SSG) and data fetching from Cloud MongoDB while creating a meetups application. This project enhanced my skills in static site generation and data fetching.

Next.jsMongoDBTailwind CSSAxiosSSG
Reactive Meals

Personal Practice

Reactive Meals

Reactive Meals is a project to practice React Hooks including useState, useEffect, useReducer, and useContext. It is a complete guide by Academind.

Tasks / Achievements

I practiced React Hooks including useState, useEffect, useReducer, and useContext, focusing on state management and component design. This project improved my understanding of React Hooks and state management.

Birthday Reminder

Personal Practice

Birthday Reminder

Birthday Reminder is a simple app that allows users to add, edit, delete, and clear all birthdays. It is fully responsive and user-friendly.

Tasks / Achievements

I developed a birthday reminder application focusing on building responsive apps with Tailwind CSS and managing state efficiently using Redux Toolkit. This project enhanced my skills in responsive design and state management.

React.jsRedux ToolkitTailwind CSSReact IconsReact Router